
Online therapy is confidential and a HIPPA approved behavioral health therapy service conducted through live video conferencing.
Online therapy is done in the same way a therapist would provide face-to-face counseling, except teletherapy is done with a computer or tablet or phone.
Telehealth - CA Board of Behavioral Sciences - BBS
Under law, “telehealth” is the mode of delivering health care via information and communication technologies, including, but not limited to, telephone and/or internet
Licensees may deliver health care, under their scope of practice, via telehealth, under certain conditions
Licensees are responsible for understanding all applicable laws, to deliver health care via telehealth
Failure to comply with any provisions regarding telehealth may be subject to disciplinary action by the Board
Comprehensive Requirements and Applicable Laws
Detailed explanations regarding telehealth requirements, for licensees and registrants, are contained in the following statutes and regulations:
California Code of Regulation Title 16 §1815.5: Standards of Practice for Telehealth
Business and Professions Code §2290.5
Clients in California
This section applies to clients who are physically located in California.
Individuals providing psychotherapy or counseling, either in person, via telephone, or via internet, must be licensed in California.
Clients Outside of California
This section applies to clients who are physically located out-of-state.
California licensees or registrants who wish to engage in telehealth with a client located in another jurisdiction need to check with that jurisdiction to determine its laws related to telehealth, and if licensure in that jurisdiction is required. Several states currently consider a client located in their state to be under their jurisdiction. Therefore, a practitioner needs to comply with that jurisdiction’s laws in order to avoid any potential violations of those laws.
Informed Consent
Prior to the delivery of health care via telehealth, the provider initiating the use of telehealth shall:
Inform the patient about the use of telehealth; AND
Obtain, and document, verbal or written consent from the patient for this use
All laws regarding the confidentiality of health care information and a patient's right to their medical information shall apply to telehealth interactions.
Additional Information
Additional information regarding telehealth is contained in the following statutes and regulations:
California Code of Regulation Title 16 §1815.5: Standards of Practice for Telehealth
Business and Professions Code §2290.5